Top 10 Roundup #17

Hello everyone, and welcome back once again to another edition of the Top 10 Roundup! Now, remember last week how I talked about the films that I grew up with? Well, today, we’re going to take a slightly different take on that.  Today, it’s ten of my favorite Disney/Pixar films.

Oh UP! How I love thee so! Besides the beginning that would make even the manliest of all men tear up, it’s a wonderful movie full of fun.  And, c’mon.  Who doesn’t love SQUIRREL!…ahem, Doug.

One of my all-time favorite movies, I can’t help but sing along to Jack and Oogie Boogie every time I watch the film, much to any of my companion’s chagrin (Beth would cover my mouth to stop me from singing when we watched this movie).

While not necessarily being a film that I grew up watching, this movie holds a special place in my heart because it was what Beth and I dressed up as for our wedding (obviously I wasn’t Beast in his more hairier form, though that may actually would have been better haha).

I…LOVE this movie.  Seriously! It’s so much FUN! The frying pan, Pascal’s sass, the interactions between Maximus and Flynn…ALL of it. Not only that, but our best man and maid of honor went as Flynn and Rapunzel from the end of the movie for the wedding.

C’mon…don’t you want to be a cat?

I don’t know why I love this film so much.  Maybe it because it spoke to a very young, very small me? Or maybe it was the humor.  Either way, one of my favorite Pixar films, and that’s saying something.

C’mon, when you here Baloo start singing, don’t you wanna just get up and dance? Admittedly, I don’t remember much about this movie, having ONLY seen it as a young child, but “Bear Necessities” has stuck with me.

By far, at least in my opinion, the CUTEST Disney/Pixar film on this list, Wall-E has a lot of heart, and just the right amount of fun.

Almost wore out this video watching it time and time again.  And what’s not to love about this movie?

Ok, so, before you shoot me, I adore…OLAF! Really need more Olaf in my life.  Whoever thought that they needed to give life to a snowman and make him the life of the movie is wonderful.  Between his song about summer, and his “I’ve been impaled” comment is wonderful.  Nevermind the oversaturation of the main track from the movie, give me more Olaf!

Well, that’s all I’ve got for you today.  Thank you so much for dropping by! What are some of your favorite Disney/Pixar films? Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.

Top 10 Roundup #16

Hello everyone, and welcome back once again to another edition of the “Top 10 Roundup”!  Now, who didn’t have their favorite movies as a child?

I mean, who didn’t? Except, I really didn’t have a lot of children’s movies as my favorites in my youth.  I mean, I did grow up during the Disney Renaissance, which included movies like “The Lion King”, “Tarzan”, “Pocahontas”, and “Aladdin”.  But, I also grew up with a lot of non-animated films.  So, here are ten of my favorite movies that I grew up with.  Though, I must say that “grew up with” includes my early teenage years (I watched very few movies from my sophomore year of high school until I graduated, focusing on my studies, job, and video games instead).

I’m not sure if the intent was to make a humorous movie about the West, but gosh darn, this is pretty funny.  I’ve included the brawl scene because it’s just too good not to share.

I don’t know why, but I was pretty enthralled with this movie when I was younger.  Maybe it’s because of the cat?

“And…Myron?” Oh.  Such a great movie!

The first Jackie Chan movie that I saw, I was enamored by his fighting style and the way he used his environment.  Plus, I found the dubbing slightly out of place, but didn’t detract from the action on-screen.

I love this movie, even to this day.  I remember the one night I tried to get my elementary school best friend to sleep over at my house, and we sat down to watch Jumanji.  He didn’t last very long over here while watching the movie.  I don’t know if it’s because my choice of movie or my family, but oh well.

I don’t know what it is about this movie, but I really dig it.

Look, it’s another Jackie Chan film.  And it’s hilarious!

I love the Sailor’s Polka! But the entire movie is pretty good!

SOSOSOSOSOSO many famous names in this film! Can you name them all?

Much better than the Eddie Murphy version, in my opinion.

No words needed.

Well, that’s all the movies that I’ve got for you folks today! Did you enjoy some of the movies on this list! Are you curious about any of them.  Do you find me a rather strange character now? Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.

Top 10 Roundup #15

Hello everyone, and welcome back once again to another “Top 10 Roundup”! Now, this week’s topic may seem a little…weird to you all.  And that’s ok.  I’m not expecting a lot of people to get it.  For you see…this week’s topic is:

Image result for Dynasty Warriors logo

Ten of my favorite Dynasty Warriors characters.  Now mind you, these are ten of my favorite characters.  Are they good characters? No.  Are they historically accurate? No (Heck, is the Dynasty Warriors series historically accurate in general? No.  But we can blame Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which is the source material, for that).  But, let’s dive right on into these characters.  Also, sorry for no explanations this week.  Let’s just ignore this one.

Image result for Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Image result for Cao Cao


Cao Cao

Image result for Sun Ce

Sun Ce

Image result for Lu Bu

Lu Bu

Image result for Xiahou Dun

Xiahou Dun

Image result for Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang

Image result for Sima Zhao

Sima Zhao

Image result for Pang De

Pang De

Image result for Dian Wei

Dian Wei

Image result for Zhao Tai

Zhao Tai

Well, that’s all I’ve got for today’s odd list.  Definitely not normal for this blog, but then again, when is anything really “normal”? Tune in next time for another Top 10 list, and until then, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.

Top 10 Roundup #14

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another edition of the “Top 10 Roundup”! Who here is ready for some music?

[raise hand]

How about some wrestling entrance music?

[puts hand down]

Now now.  Don’t be like that.  I know that some of you already know some entrance music.  From Triple H’s themes done by Motorhead, CM Punk’s themes performed by Killswitch Engage and Living Colour.  And who doesn’t recognize “Real American” and start to flex and pose like Hulk Hogan? These themes are useful to help not only identify the performer as they coming down to the ring, but also, to help pump out the crowd.  Especially when it plays at an unexpected time.  So, here is a list of ten of my favorite wrestling themes.  And yes, I have used some of these themes before in previous posts, so…just pretend like I never used them, okay?

I’m really not going to say too much about this one because I know I’ve used this one before, but still…I love this song!

“Here comes the Ax! Here comes the Smasher!” Who doesn’t get pumped up when they hear Jimmy Hart (yes, the Mouth of the South sings this one) singing over the hard hitting guitar.

From the heartbeat at the beginning, to the introductory riff, this song is dark, menacing, and is willing to drag you down to meet the Demon.

Dark, brooding, and haunting with the young man doing the monologue over the top, this is what the Stinger really was in WCW during his transition into his now iconic black and white look.

Make no mistake here, this is pretty catchy.  I’ll probably be singing this at work later.

First time I heard this song, I fell in love with it.  I don’t know why.  It’s just got that…hold on me I suppose.

You’ll be serving hard time if you don’t dig this song…what am I even saying?

Being eight, nine years old when the Wolfpac burst into the very crowded scene in WCW, their theme is rather impressive and draws you to whatever they are going to do.

WWE just recently released this theme as a part of their new “Uncaged” album.  It was originally used for WrestleMania 30 promos, and I have to say, I love this version better than the version done by Rev Theory.

Holy dark.  This is what set the bar for dark, evil music for dark, evil characters.

Just bathe in it.  Let it wash over you, and your day will be glorious.

That’s all I’ve got for you folks.  I hope that you rocked out to the ten themes above! Tune in next week for another exciting edition of the Top 10 where…something is planned for you.  Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.

Top 10 Roundup #13

Hello everyone, and welcome back once again to another Top 10 Roundup! It’s the last one of 2016, so I figured I would try to lay out 10 of my resolutions for the next year.  Now, I know what you are saying. “Ten, most people can barely keep to one, let alone ten!” Now yes, this is true.  And I’m not saying that I’m going to stick to any of them.  But, what I can tell you is that these are ten things that I would at least like to improve upon in 2017.  So, let’s dive right on into it.

I’m horrible about this whole reading business, and I LOVE READING!! So, I’m going to make it a point to read more, well, at least when I’m home anyway.  I’ve got so many books I want to read, I might as well get cracking on them!

There’s also a whole bunch of TV shows and movies that I need to start watching or get caught up on.  Remember all of my Top 10 Roundup lists I’ve been making about this topic? Well, I hope to make at least a little dent in those in the coming year.

There’s so many games out there that I’m just ready to play them.  Gotta make some time to do that as well.

Of course, what wouldn’t be complete without going outside and getting some human interaction, outside of work of course.  I’ve never been the most sociable person on the planet, and all I really want to do is forge some new friendships along the way.

Now, I’m not necessarily obese by any means, but I’ve got a rotund stomach that I’m rather self-conscious of.  I would love to get rid of it, but I need to get myself motivated to do so…and to clean off the exercise bike and stop making it my laundry holder.

Yeah, I don’t really have a whole lot of that.  I’m just not that kind of a person. I suck at the whole “self-worth” nonsense, and I constantly blame myself for driving my marriage into the ground (though, I do take full responsibility for first post-divorce months and making the wedge larger). So, I need to work on that.  Somehow…

Ok. So maybe not like the Whomping Willow kind of branching out, but you get my point.  I want to try and expand my horizons a bit.  Just how I’m going to do that yet, I don’t really know.

Whether it be food, new places, experiences, books, movies, etc…I just need to break out of the box that I’ve stuffed myself in and start growing.  I love to learn, why not expand outside of my comfort zone?

Maybe not necessarily like Bob, who looks like he’s about ready to ride the rails.  BUT, I love to travel.  Going with the previous point above, I love going out and exploring new places.  I really hope that I get that sort of chance in 2017.  Sure, with my work schedule never staying the same (sometimes even as it is posted), but I want to go new places and see new things.

2016 was just not my year for being happy.  There was one point where I was drawing deeper and deeper into the overbearing and soul-swallowing darkness.  But, as I sit here and type this now, I feel a smile crawling across my face, because I know that somehow, somewhere, happiness is looking.  To quote my Bray Wyatt t-shirt, “follow the light, it will lead you back home.”  And I feel that “home” is the happiness that I’ve lost along the way this past year.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for you this week. May you all have a safe, yet enjoyable New Year’s celebration, and I shall expect to see you all back here next week, for the first 2017 installment of the Top 10 Roundup.  Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.


Top 10 Roundup #12

Hello everyone, and welcome to another Top 10 Roundup! Are you ready for some CHRISTMAS MUSIC!

Now, there’s no need for you to throw snow at me.  I know there are a lot of you that don’t like Christmas music out there.  And that’s ok.  I was talking to one of my coworkers about Christmas music just the other day, and she made a very valid point about liking Christmas music.  She partially likes it because she knows the words.  Which, to be fair, it’s the same amount of songs, done over and over again by different artists. For example, at work, I’m pretty sure I heard “All I Want For Christmas Is You” like 3 times in a 90 minute stretch of time.

Yes, even though I love Christmas music, hearing the SAME song over and over again is excessive, even in my ears.  But, enough ranting, let’s go to 10 of my favorite Christmas songs!

I love both of these songs.  Sure, the original “12 Days of Christmas” tends to be bland and dull after a while, but these two songs give a fun take, and make me smile.  Especially Frank’s exasperated “oy” at the very end of the song.


Shame I can’t embed this one.  But, I love this rendition of O Tannenbaum.  Not only is it done by one of the legendary crooners, but it’s also in German.  And this song…it sounds MUCH better in German. Just saying.

This won’t be the first time that Pentatonix will appear on this list.  They take what are amazing songs to begin with, and make them even better.  Just…listen.

Again, I love renditions.  And since I grew up listening to 90’s country, this seems like a perfect fit.  Also, how is it that I’ve never seen this music video? This is pretty fun.

Three different versions of the same song.  This is madness! NO…this is Christmas time!!

So…calming. No words.

I love this rendition, though, I’m a huge fan of The High Kings, so, no surprise there.  But, this is great, especially the pre and post singing bits.  Adds a nice touch to the song.

So, I love me some Celtic Woman.  Not only that, but I love this song by them. They look like they’re having fun, and they’ve really got the crowd into it.  And the last “let it snow” by Mairead puts the icing on the cake.

Oh hey look, Celtic Woman back to back.  Didn’t have an artist listed this one in my notes, so I figured I’d settle for a very pretty rendition.


And, a sing along!

Did you enjoy all the songs today folks? I surely had a grand old time! If this is the only blog you read this week of mine, may you have a very Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays.  Whichever you prefer.  Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.

Top 10 Roundup #11

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another edition of the Top 10 Roundup, and I’m going to be up front about this right now…there are going to be a lot of ruffled feathers here.  Why? Well, today’s blog is going to be about the 10 books/series that I flat out refuse to read.  Now, setting aside the whole romance genre (because I’m a cold-hearted jerk without an inch of love in my soul), there are just some books that I flat out refuse to read.  Some because they are just awful, some because of what I personally stand for, and some that I just don’t see the popularity in them.

And as always, everything, from the covers to the synopsis, get pulled from


About three things I was absolutely positive.

First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him—and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be—that thirsted for my blood.

And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

In the first book of the Twilight Saga, internationally bestselling author Stephenie Meyer introduces Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, a pair of star-crossed lovers whose forbidden relationship ripens against the backdrop of small-town suspicion and a mysterious coven of vampires. This is a love story with bite.

Ugh.  This book series.  I…I just don’t understand the appeal.  Now, I’m a traditionalist when it comes to certain things.  Sure, I do like different takes on certain tropes (like a zombie plague getting carried out by fungus that comes off the backs of ants, for example), but something that pretty much does a re-do of the entire genre, from start to finish, is just too much for me.  Just too much man.  Just leave vampires alone!


When literature student Anastasia Steele goes to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey, she encounters a man who is beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating. The unworldly, innocent Ana is startled to realize she wants this man and, despite his enigmatic reserve, finds she is desperate to get close to him. Unable to resist Ana’s quiet beauty, wit, and independent spirit, Grey admits he wants her, too—but on his own terms.
Shocked yet thrilled by Grey’s singular erotic tastes, Ana hesitates. For all the trappings of success—his multinational businesses, his vast wealth, his loving family—Grey is a man tormented by demons and consumed by the need to control. When the couple embarks on a daring, passionately physical affair, Ana discovers Christian Grey’s secrets and explores her own dark desires.

Erotic, amusing, and deeply moving, the Fifty Shades Trilogy is a tale that will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever.

Ugh! This.  This is probably THE most divisive book in the 2010s (10s? teens? How even do we describe this decade?).  There are some people who really like this series, but there seem to be a LOT more people that do not enjoy series at all.  Well, count me as one of those people.  Just…why? How did this book manage to become SO popular…not only that, but also get a movie franchise going!? I just…can’t.


This up-to-date version of the universally accepted text from the King James Bible will make a handsome addition to any home. The revised translation is easily accessible for the modern reader, and is based on the original King James Version, published in 1611. In the course of time, the King James Version came to be regarded as “the Authorized Version.” It has been termed the “noblest monument of English prose,” and it has come to be of central importance to Western society as no other book. Thunder Bay’s Holy Bible is beautifully appointed and illustrated with reproductions of original fifteenth-century masterpieces, highlighting Renaissance masterpieces from the period of 1430 to 1510. Almost every page of the Holy Bible has illuminated accents, with evocative drawings throughout from the Vatican Library, and an overall design inspired by the peerless Urbino Bible of 1478. The Holy Bible is complete with beautiful pages on which to lovingly record marriages, births, baptisms, confirmations, deaths, and family trees.

Oh boy.  This is a bit of a sticky wicket.  I’m not a religious person by any means, but this book…this book.  I’m not a fan of this book by any stretch.  I just…I just can’t wrap my head around the blind faith that people put into this.  If you are a Christian, I apologize for my bluntness.  It’s just…I don’t know.  It’s hard to give a PC reaction to something that I just can’t understand.


Two of America’s best-loved inspirational speakers share the very best of their collected stories and favorite tales that have touched the hearts of people everywhere. Canfield and Hansen bring you wit and wisdom, hope and empowerment to buoy you through life’s dark moments.

How is there so much love for this series? I get it.  It’s supposed to be a collection of inspirational and motivational true stories.  But, just…how? Why? This is another one of those books that make me so confused.  Not only that, but these two men have given us an entire published book FRANCHISE! Seriously! Maybe I’m just too cold-hearted, but I just don’t get it.


A man with a faded, well-worn notebook open in his lap. A woman experiencing a morning ritual she doesn’t understand. Until he begins to read to her. The Notebook is an achingly tender story about the enduring power of love, a story of miracles that will stay with you forever. Set amid the austere beauty of coastal North Carolina in 1946, The Notebook begins with the story of Noah Calhoun, a rural Southerner returned home from World War II. Noah, thirty-one, is restoring a plantation home to its former glory, and he is haunted by images of the beautiful girl he met fourteen years earlier, a girl he loved like no other. Unable to find her, yet unwilling to forget the summer they spent together, Noah is content to live with only memories. . . until she unexpectedly returns to his town to see him once again. Allie Nelson, twenty-nine, is now engaged to another man, but realizes that the original passion she felt for Noah has not dimmed with the passage of time. Still, the obstacles that once ended their previous relationship remain, and the gulf between their worlds is too vast to ignore. With her impending marriage only weeks away, Allie is forced to confront her hopes and dreams for the future, a future that only she can shape. Like a puzzle within a puzzle, the story of Noah and Allie is just beginning. As it unfolds, their tale miraculously becomes something different, with much higher stakes. The result is a deeply moving portrait of love itself, the tender moments, and fundamental changes that affect us all. Shining with a beauty that is rarely found in current literature, The Notebook establishes Nicholas Sparks as a classic storyteller with a unique insight into the only emotion that really matters.

The Notebook.  Now, I have nothing against sappy, romantic novels.  But, I just…I don’t see the appeal.  Maybe it’s because I’ve got testosterone flowing through my veins, but I don’t find ANY of Nicholas Sparks’ novels appealing.  Sorry to those who come across this page and expecting some love for them.  ‘Cause there is none (bad grammar included).


In 1993, following a failed attempt to ascend K2, Greg Mortenson was inspired by a chance encounter with impoverished mountain villagers in Pakistan and promised to build them a school. From that rash, earnest promise grew one of the most incredible humanitarian campaigns of our time—Mortenson’s one-man mission to counteract extremism by building schools, especially for girls, throughout the breeding ground of the Taliban .Award-winning journalist David Oliver Relin has collaborated on this spellbinding account of Mortenson’s incredible accomplishments in a region where Americans are often feared and hated. Over the following decade Mortenson built not just one but fifty-five schools. Three Cups of Tea is at once an unforgettable adventure and the inspiring story of how one man really is changing the world—one school at a time.

Ugh.  One of a couple of books on this list that I came across during my collegiate schooling.  Now, it’s not a book that I would have to have read during the course of my schooling, but, it was recommended to us in one of my education classes.  Now, I would have read it, but I was a broke college student, and shilling out for yet another book that wouldn’t even be required for a class at that point in time was not just unheard or, but just not in my plans.  Then, came the criticisms.  And it put me off of this book for good.


A rousing call to arms whose influence is still felt today, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ “The Communist Manifesto” is edited with an introduction by Gareth Stedman-Jones in Penguin Classics.

Marx and Engels’s revolutionary summons to the working classes, “The Communist Manifesto” is one of the most important political theories ever formulated. After four years of collaboration, they produced an incisive account of their idea of Communism, in which they envisage a society without classes, private property or a state, arguing that the exploitation of industrial workers will eventually lead to a revolution in which Capitalism is overthrown. This vision provided the theoretical basis of political systems in Russia, China, Cuba and Eastern Europe, affecting the lives of millions. “The Communist Manifesto” still remains a landmark text: a work that continues to influence and provoke debate on capitalism and class.

The other book that I have come across during my collegiate schooling, and the only one that was a required read…though, I don’t think we ever actually got around to it, because we got crammed for time, and ended up doing communism in about a week’s worth of classes (which…was 2).  Now, I’m not sure that I really want to learn about Karl Marx’s ideology about how the world should be ran.  Granted, one can argue that Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations isn’t the way it should be ran either.  And to be fair, I haven’t read that one all the way through either.  Kinda sad.  I’m a political science teacher by training, and I haven’t…or don’t want to read through either one of the two major governing philosophies of our world.


Nine years before the Senate campaign that made him one of the most influential and compelling voices in American politics, Barack Obama published this lyrical, unsentimental, and powerfully affecting memoir, which became a #1 New York Times bestseller when it was reissued in 2004. Dreams from My Father tells the story of Obama’s struggle to understand the forces that shaped him as the son of a black African father and white American mother—a struggle that takes him from the American heartland to the ancestral home of his great-aunt in the tiny African village of Alego.

Obama opens his story in New York, where he hears that his father—a figure he knows more as a myth than as a man—has died in a car accident. The news triggers a chain of memories as Barack retraces his family’s unusual history: the migration of his mother’s family from small-town Kansas to the Hawaiian islands; the love that develops between his mother and a promising young Kenyan student, a love nurtured by youthful innocence and the integrationist spirit of the early sixties; his father’s departure from Hawaii when Barack was two, as the realities of race and power reassert themselves; and Barack’s own awakening to the fears and doubts that exist not just between the larger black and white worlds but within himself.

Propelled by a desire to understand both the forces that shaped him and his father’s legacy, Barack moves to Chicago to work as a community organizer. There, against the backdrop of tumultuous political and racial conflict, he works to turn back the mounting despair of the inner city. His story becomes one with those of the people he works with as he learns about the value of community, the necessity of healing old wounds, and the possibility of faith in the midst of adversity.

Barack’s journey comes full circle in Kenya, where he finally meets the African side of his family and confronts the bitter truth of his father’s life. Traveling through a country racked by brutal poverty and tribal conflict, but whose people are sustained by a spirit of endurance and hope, Barack discovers that he is inescapably bound to brothers and sisters living an ocean away—and that by embracing their common struggles he can finally reconcile his divided inheritance.

A searching meditation on the meaning of identity in America, Dreams from My Father might be the most revealing portrait we have of a major American leader—a man who is playing, and will play, an increasingly prominent role in healing a fractious and fragmented nation.

Now, I’m going to shock a lot of you out there, but I am not of President Obama.  To be fair, I’m not a fan of president-elect Trump either.  I mean, it’s kinda hard to like someone who pushes for “affordable health care”, when people in rural areas have to pay an arm, leg, and their first born in order to get decent health care coverage.  And this book, I’ve heard, is misleading in some areas.  Now, granted, it’s more the dislike towards the man’s policies that is keeping me from reading this book, not the man himself.  He could be a pretty cool dude when not in the Oval Office for all I know, but I just…I don’t know.


“An Inconvenient Truth”—Gore’s groundbreaking, battle cry of a follow-up to the bestselling Earth in the Balance—is being published to tie in with a documentary film of the same name. Both the book and film were inspired by a series of multimedia presentations on global warming that Gore created and delivers to groups around the world. With this book, Gore, who is one of our environmental heroes—and a leading expert—brings together leading-edge research from top scientists around the world; photographs, charts, and other illustrations; and personal anecdotes and observations to document the fast pace and wide scope of global warming. He presents, with alarming clarity and conclusiveness—and with humor, too—that the fact of global warming is not in question and that its consequences for the world we live in will be disastrous if left unchecked. This riveting new book—written in an accessible, entertaining style—will open the eyes of even the most skeptical.

And another political post for you.  This is going to be really short because I’m just not going to get into it.  But…UGH! Just ugh.


“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once.”

Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten.

Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning author John Green’s most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.

Last book on this list.  Are you excited? Are you going to hate me for this one? I really, really don’t understand the love for this book.  Is it because we, as a society, can be somewhat fatalistic in nature…and enjoy the stories of people dying slow and painful deaths? Can anyone answer me that one? I’ll adore you forever if you could.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for you folks.  Do you hate me now for my list? Do you agree with some of my choices? What books will you never pick up to read? Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.

Top 10 Roundup #10

Hello everyone, and welcome to the 10th edition of the Top 10 Roundup! Are you excited? I know I sure am! We’re going real personal with this one.  Well, not that personal.  Take a moment, grab your brain, dust it off, and put it back in your head.  You weirdos.

I love to read.  I may not read much because of video games, but, I do still LOVE to read.  Always have.  I’m the oldest of three, and as the first, my mother had plenty of time to devote to taking care of me (also, we lived in a town that, at the time, barely had 400 people in it).  So, what would my mother do? Read.  She would read EVERYTHING to me.  She read through all of the books that she had for me, and moved on to everything that had words.  I mean…EVERYTHING.  The backs of whatever she was preparing for food, any and all newspapers, even bottles of household cleaners.  Well, this lead up to me reading.  At the age of two…maybe two and a half.  It got to the point where I was reading out of Stephen King.  My mother specifically remembers me reading out of IT.  And after that, I stopped talking.  Mom thinks it’s because that’s all I wanted to do was read and learn.  Now, I know what you all are thinking.  But, the thing is, I don’t remember this.  Something about the whole thing of not remembering anything during the first few years of life minus the basic functions that we continue to do as we get older.

What does this have to do with my Top 10 Roundup? Simple.  Presented to you, in no particular order, are ten of the books in my childhood that I loved to read.

Remember, click on the book cover to go to the Goodreads page, and all of the synopses are pulled from the book’s respective pages.


Sixth grade is just out of this world… Susan Simmons can tell that her new substitute teacher is really weird. But she doesn’t know how weird until she catches him peeling off his face– and she realizes that “Mr. Smith” is really an alien!

At first no one will believe her– except Peter Thompson, the class brain. When Peter and Susan discover Mr. Smith’s horrible plans for their classmates, they know they have to act fast. Only they can get rid of their extra-terrestrial visitor– and save the rest of the sixth grade class from a fate worse than math tests!

Let’s start out with a series that I didn’t read until I was in upper elementary school.  My Teacher is an Alien is a great and funny read for those kids who are already wanting to have a little bit of a challenge with some chapters, as well as an interest in something that is not necessarily about real things.


Look Alive!
Amanda and Josh think the old house they have just moved into is weird. Spooky. Possibly haunted. And the town of Dark Falls is pretty strange, too.
But their parents don’t believe them. You’ll get used to it, they say. Go out and make some new friends.

So Amanda and Josh do. But these friends are not exactly what their parents had in mind.
Because they want to be friends…

Reader beware-you’re in for a scare!

Oh goodness.  I love these books! I’ve found a couple here and there since I’ve gotten older.  I remember when I was younger tracing the raised logo on the covers of the books.  It helped me sit still for a little while, at least until I finished the book that is.


Sometimes weird things happen to people. Ask Jake. He may tell you about the night he and his friends saw the strange light in the sky. He may even tell you about what happened when they realized the “light” was only a plane — from another planet. Here’s where Jake’s story gets a little weird. It’s where they’re told that the human race is under attack — and given the chance to fight back.

Now Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias, and Marco have the power to morph into any animal they choose. And they must use that power to outsmart an evil that is greater than anything the world has ever seen…

Ok.  By far, this was the book series that I was the most obsessed with when I was in school.  Seriously.  Out of the like 50+ main series books, and about a dozen spin-offs, I owned a very, very large chunk of them.  Still do to this day, actually.  Found them when I was cleaning out the closet that now holds all my books and movies (see yesterday’s post). I mean…I don’t know what drew me to the series…but, whatever it was, it kept my brain hooked. Plus, for those of you who read this series, who didn’t flip through the pages to watch the morph in progress in the bottom corner?


Holmes and Watson are faced with their most terrifying case yet. The legend of the devil-beast that haunts the moors around the Baskerville family’s home warns the descendants of that ancient clan never to venture out in those dark hours when the power of evil is exalted. Now, the most recent Baskerville, Sir Charles, is dead and the footprints of a giant hound have been found near his body. Will the new heir meet the same fate?

This was the first Sherlock Holmes tale I ever read.  My parents had found me a copy of a young reader’s edition, in which they added in some illustrations and did some other things to the story to make it comprehensive for young readers.  Anyway, that’s where I got hooked to the world’s smartest detective lol.  Speaking of smart detectives…


A Civil War sword, missing roller skates, a trapeze artist’s inheritance, a ghost who whistles, eight stuffed penguins… Is there any case this kid can’t crack? Introduce your favorite bookworm to boy detective Encyclopedia Brown, fifth-grade mastermind behind Idaville’s police force, “a complete library walking around in sneakers.” Each book is set up so that readers can try to solve the case along with the boy genius, and the answers to all the mysteries are found in the back.

I believe my Mom had these, or had found these for me to read when I was still in elementary school.  I loved that I could try to solve the mystery myself before I turned to the back to find the answer.  It was lots of fun, and I wish that more adult books did this.  But, wouldn’t that be cheesy?


“See the piggy,
See the puddle,
See the muddy little puddle.
See the piggy in the middle
Of the muddy little puddle. “
And so begins this rollicking story-in-verse about a determined young pig who absolutely refuses to leave her mud puddle — much to the dismay of her family!
Charlotte Pomerantz’s tongue-twisting nonsense verse — made even more exuberantly hilarious by James Marshall’s illustrations — is sure to delight both children and adults.

This is a fun book! I love the story, and the illustrations are especially whimsical! I wish I could find this book again to have for my future children!


Bismark the Buffalo is grumpy and unlovable until his friends teach him how to laugh and show him that wearing colorful underwear can be great fun.

How can you keep a straight face when talking about, and parading around in, underwear! Seriously! I can’t help but chuckle just thinking about the book’s ending.  This is a great children’s read, and I’m certain that parents would get one heck of a kick reading this book outloud.


This spooky addition to Alvin Schwartz’s popular books on American folklore is filled with tales of eerie horror and dark revenge that will make you jump with fright.

There is a story here for everyone — skeletons with torn and tangled flesh who roam the earth; a ghost who takes revenge on her murderer; and a haunted house where every night a bloody head falls down the chimney.

Stephen Gammell’s splendidly creepy drawings perfectly capture the mood of more than two dozen scary stories — and even scary songs — all just right for reading alone or for telling aloud in the dark.

If You Dare!

So, I found these at a library sale a while back, and Beth looked at me like I was completely insane.  But, I enjoyed reading these books all the same.  Yes, they were very scary reads, and they can still be terrifying, and I can’t wait to pass them on down to my children.


Jack and Annie’s very first fantasy adventure in the bestselling middle-grade series—the Magic Tree House!

Where did the tree house come from?

Before Jack and Annie can find out, the mysterious tree house whisks them to the prehistoric past. Now they have to figure out how to get home. Can they do it before dark . . . or will they become a dinosaur’s dinner?

Another book series that I read a lot of of, but unlike “Animorphs”, I didn’t own many of these books. But, they are still really fun reads.  Plus, they helped my developing mind learn about a few things about history, at least in broad terms, along the way.


A storm at sea washes a young pickpocket, Hugh, and a surgeon’s son, Raymond, overboard.  Landing on the strange island world of Dinotopia, Raymond and Hugh learn the meaning of real courage and true friendship, with the help of a reclusive Skybax named Windchaser.  

The last, but certainly not least, on this list is the series about humans and dinosaurs living in harmony.  Or at least, try to.  It was an intriguing series.  And while I have since grown out of it, maybe one day I can find a copy to pass down to my children so that maybe they could enjoy the series as much as I did.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for you folks.  Probably my longest post yet. Sorry for the length, but sometimes, that’s what you get when you reminisce.  Do you have any books/series from your childhood that you either read over and over again, or obsessed over? Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.

Top 10 Roundup #9

Hello everyone, welcome back once again to another edition of the Top 10 Roundup! Now, I’ve covered TV shows, video games, horror movies, wrestling, and Funko POP!, and I’m still working on branching out.  Keeping this intro short so we can get to the goods, here’s my “Top” 10 movies that I own, but haven’t watched yet.  Mind you, there are hundreds of movies out there that I haven’t watched yet, and that’s a few dozen lists for another time.

Now, except for “Manhunter” and this movie, I’ve seen all of the films in the Hannibal Tetraology. Now, I’m not sure exactly how good this movie is going to be.  The book itself, while alright, wasn’t up to the level the rest of the series sits.  But, I’ll keep an open mind and one day get to this movie.

Is it sad that I, a giant fan of the great Sherlock Holmes, have never seen these movies? I know, for shame, for shame.  And I really have no excuse.  Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Britain’s greatest detective looks intriguing.

Oh, Jacob Goodnight.  When will you learn to stay dead? Seriously.  If you haven’t gone and watched the first one, go and do so.  You’ll understand why.  Besides calling on the supernatural boogeyman slasher trope, this looks like more of the same destructive goodness that only the 6’10” Kane can bring.

Probably the most popular movie on this list, I’ve never seen it due to the fact that I’ve never been really interested in the premise.  But, as time has gone on, I’ve gotten more and more…intrigued by it.  Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten older (and arguably wiser), or maybe it’s because my brain is shifting more into figuring out puzzles and complex plotlines.

WHY HAVEN’T I SEEN THIS MOVIE?! Seriously! Just from watching the trailer, I’m SO intrigued! It’s got Sir Anthony Hopkins playing another intellectual killer, though not nearly as deranged (at least, what I can gather from the trailer) as Dr. Lecter, and a “whoreallydoneit” kinda mystery to solve.

This is probably one of the darkest and grittiest superhero movie trailers that I’ve seen yet.  And considering that this thing is almost ten years old at this point, the question is why haven’t I watched it yet.  Now, to be fair, I have read the graphic novel, so I know what is going on in the movie, but just haven’t watched it yet.  Man…I sound like a parrot.

It’s an original screenplay written by Stephen King! What’s not to love? Well, ask the critics.  They gave it a pretty low rating, all things considered.  But, it’s Stephen King, so I might as well give it a chance, right? What do I have to lose?

Ok, so I’m rather behind the times and have not watched this movie.  To be fair, it took Beth and I some time to make it through the first two movies in the Hobbit trilogy.  That being said, I need to finish out the trilogy, if only to see just how much the ending itself differs from the book.

Now, except for “Seed of Chucky”, I’ve seen all of the films in the “Child’s Play” franchise, and I’m really curious to see where they go with this movie.

Is it weird that I watched the second and third films in this franchise, but not the first one? Yeah.  Me too.  Anyway, since I have seen “The Dark Knight” and “The Dark Knight Rises”, might as well check out the first film to see how it helps tie everything together.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for you today folks.  Are you shocked at the lack of films that I’ve watched.  Are there some films that I haven’t watched that you think I’ll be interested in.  Let me know below.  Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I have been, obediently yours.

Top 10 Roundup #8

Hello everyone, and welcome to yet another edition of the “Top 10 Roundup”.  Now, I’ve brought to you TV shows over the course of the last three weeks, ranging from suspenseful to science-fiction to plain drama to horror.  I’ve even thrown in some animation in there as well.  But, let’s talk about my other passion.  Yes, I’m talking about video games.  I love playing me some video games.  Not only that, but I really enjoy seeing what’s out there and drooling over some games.  So, here are my “Top” 10 games that I want to own.

I LOVE Skyrim, and to see it get a graphical update on the PS4, well, let’s just say I wouldn’t say no into owning a copy of a game I already own.

Oh. My. Everloving. God. I’m a big fan of the PS1 era Resident Evil games, and I was sad when they took to a FPS/Action style than what we got with the original three in survival horror.  So, after not only watching plenty of trailers, but also playing both versions of the demo (yes, they did an update on the demo to add more to it), I SO WANT this game! Yes, the developers say there will be combat, but I hope…HOPE, that it’s a return to the first game’s style where combat is more out of necessity rather than the focal point.

Now, I’ve played, and beaten the original Bioshock.  But, I haven’t picked up the other two games. So, when they announced that they were going to release a complete collection, I was like “Sold”!

I like this series.  I’ve played “Crimes and Punishments: Sherlock Holmes” already, and I really want to check out more of these games, even if they are a bit repetitive when it comes to gameplay.

This game.  I know it is in the same vein as the Dark Souls trilogy (and may even occupy the same universe, just in a completely different setting), but I know that since I enjoyed playing through what I did of the first Dark Souls, that this should be aesthetically pleasing, but insanely difficult.

I’ve played Dragon Quest VIII, and even though that’s the ONLY game of the series that I’ve played, I love it! I wish that I could have invested more into the series.  But, with this being like a cross between Dynasty Warriors and Dragon Quest, count me in!

I haven’t been this invested in a Final Fantasy launch since XII.  XIII never really held my interest (and after playing through part of it, I can see why it hasn’t).  But, this game looks exciting.

I have been looking forward to this game since beating Kingdom Hearts II all those many years ago.  And there are so many questions that still need to be answered.  Do the keyblades have their own special powers? How many new worlds are there to explore? Are there going to be more worlds to explore since we’ve moved up a couple of generations? SO MANY QUESTIONS!! Why must you make us wait SquareEnix?!

If you’ve paid attention to some of my other blog posts, you know I’m really into the works of H.P. Lovecraft. So, naturally, I’m intrigued by this game.  I hope that the game’s outcome is dark and dreary, because, after all, you can never beat the Great Old One, only temporarily subdue him and return him back to where he came for a while.

Last game on our list ends up giving one of the scariest upcoming games yet.  I’ve played through the demo, and man, am I ready to be terrified.

Well, there’s my list of games, past, current and future that I want to own.  Do you have any game recommendations? Any games you want to own in the future? Until next time, I am the Baumeister, and I am, obediently yours.